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Verifiable Custom Computing

发布日期:2019-05-22 浏览量:1457

题  目:Verifiable Custom Computing

报告人:Professor Wayne Luk (英国帝国理工)

时  间:2019年5月23日上午10:00-11:30

地  点:张江校区微电子楼369室



This talk concerns research for developing custom computing systems whose function or properties can be verified with respect to a high-level description, at design time or at run time. The use of assertions in producing facilities for monitoring run-time operation is presented, and techniques for automating the verification of customisable datapaths and instruction processors are described. An approach for supporting the diagnosis of machine learning architectures is also covered.


Wayne Luk is Professor of Computer Engineering at Imperial College London. His research covers the development of hardware and software capabilities to address demanding applications, such as genomic data processing and climate modelling. He is a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the IEEE and the BCS. He is a recipient of the Research Excellence Award from Imperial College London, and 15 awards for his publications from various international conferences.
